Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Field trip/essay guidelines

Essay Guidelines: 

Attend one or both of the scheduled field trips:

3PM SFMOMA Thursday April 2 and/or 5PM 49 Geary Thursday April 2

For SFMOMA:  Board a Bart train for SF.  Get off at the Montgomery Street Bart.  It is the second San Francisco stop.

Head south on Montgomery Street toward Post Street.  Turn right on Market then left on Third Street.  

SFMOMA is at 151 Third Street.  Wait outside at the ticket window.  When in doubt ask for directions.  

The museum is less than 1/2 a mile from the Bart station and a very popular attraction.  See you at 3PM.  

Directions available here.

For 49 Geary:  Get off at the Montgomery Street Bart Station.  Exit at Market Street and head UP toward 

Third Street.  Turn right on Geary walk up 400 feet and arrive at 49 Geary.  See you at 5PM.  

Map to 49 Geary here.

Choose one to three works of art by one artist on view at either SF MOMA or at one of

the galleries in the 49 Geary building. The goal of the essay assignment is to illustrate

how well you can identify and discuss a particular work of art employing the elements

and principles of design.

You MUST include a bibliography of at least 2 sources.

Online sources are acceptable as are exhibition catalogs. Using text, ideas, and images from

an article or book without properly giving credit can be construed as PLAGIARISM and

will result in an automatic F.

This is a double assignment, 8 points!

Please use a standard 12 point font, double spaced.

Essay must be 1 1/2 to 2 pages in length.

Refer to attached map for field trip details.

Refer to design vocabulary list for recommended terms.

Answer the questions below in your essay. Use color theory and design terms to present

your view point. DO NOT use the phrases “I like....” or “she/he did a good job.”

1. What is the artist’s name?

2. Where is the work being shown?

3. What materials did the artist use in making the art and what are the measurements?*

4. How does the artist use color and shape to achieve balance?

5. How does the artist use rhythm, shape and line to create a unified composition?

6. How has the artist employed pattern, repetition or texture?

7. Is there a focal point, an area of emphasis? If yes, what is it?

8. What do you think the artist is trying to communicate?

*extra information about the artist and artwork are often found at the front desk in galleries.

You may ask the receptionist for help. At the museum, wall text, audio tours,

and docents provide extra information. Also check out the museum bookstore and

GOOGLE your artist’s name. You may find that they have a website, blog, online articles, etc., that will help you write you essay.

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