Friday, January 16, 2009

Syllabus and Supply List


Spring 2009 ART 105- 8063 Introduction to Drawing Color and 2 Dimensional Design

 3 units, TTH 4:00-6:50PM, room A302.       INSTRUCTOR: SASHA PETRENKO

EMAIL: SPETRENKO@DVC.EDU   OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays 3:30-4:00, room 302A

Leonardo Da Vinci


Presentation of drawing concepts and techniques, perspective, as well as color theory fundamentals, with emphasis on design principles and composition.

A development of a basic foundation in drawing skills, color manipulation and design principles.  An introduction to, and development of, an understanding of two-dimensional art.  Projects will focus on problem solving and skill development with drawing and painting mediums.


There will be approximately 18 – 20 assignments.  An assignment will be introduced and outlined with demonstrations, board notes, lectures, slide presentations, and examples at the beginning of each class section.  At the time of introduction to the assignment, a due date will be given.   Assignments will cover: basic drawing techniques; realism in rendering; organization of compositional elements: line, shape, value, space, texture, and color; and perspective.  All assignments must be turned in with a tracing paper overlay, labeled with your name and date at the bottom.  All work turned in must be completed by the student.   Please take class notes and keep a notebook of material presented in class.


There will be a test covering drawing terminology, design concepts, and color theory.


It is very important that you arrive on time and attend each class meeting prepared to work and participate in individual and class critiques.  Presence and participation in class lectures, demonstrations and critique sessions are a factor in the final grade for the course. The semester begins with an “A” for participation and attendance, after 4 absences, the participation/attendance portion of the course grade will result in a full letter grade decline (B, C, D, and F).  Arriving late or leaving early will be accumulated and be applied toward this grade.  8 absences may result in being dropped.   All cell phones must be turned off in class.  


Grades will be based on these components: class projects and homework (each assignment is worth 4 points), tests (4 points each), and participation and presence in class (4 points).   Specific studio assignments will be graded.  Equal weight will be given to all projects, unless otherwise noted as assigned.  Some assignments will consist of a single drawing or painting, while others may require a series of related work.  Skill demonstration and creative ability, project concept and objectives, project completeness, and neat presentation will be the criteria for determining your grade.  An average of all grades on projects, portfolios, homework, tests, and participation and presence will determine your final grade.  A letter grade will be given.  Late work will be accepted late (after the due date).  The grade for a late project will be reduced by a full letter grade.  All work must be presented for evaluation with a tracing paper sheet overlay.  All work turned in for evaluation and grade must be completed by the student.

Assignment grades: A=4pts, A- =3.5, B+=3.4; B=3; B-=2.5; C+=2.4; C=2; C-=1.5; D=1; F=0pts. 

Course final grades: A, B, C, D, F


A sketchbook will be required for the course.  The sketchbook is a place for you to record notes from lectures; and information and guidelines for assignments.  The sketchbook will also be used as a place to record ideas, thumbnail sketches and preparatory drawings for assignments.  Please bring it to class each day.


White Paper Drawing Pad (paper size 11 x 14”, paper weight 80 lbs or heavier, paper surface: vellum, all purpose, white or cream color)

Tracing Paper Tablet 11 x 14”

Note book/journal/sketchbook

Masking Tape or Drafting Tape (small roll)

Ruler 18” (transparent plastic ruler with red guidelines)

Kneaded Eraser

Pink Pearl Eraser

White Vinyl Eraser (block shape and stick shape)

Drawing Pencils: 6B, 2B, B, HB, 2H, 4H (Graphite NOT Charcoal)

Rolled Paper Blending Stump

Sandpaper Pad, Scissors, X-acto knife, Glue Stick

Winsor Newton Designers Gouache (opaque water colors)

Colors: Primary Red, Primary Blue, Primary Yellow, Zinc White, Ivory Black, (Green included in 6 tube set)

White Plastic Palette

Plastic water containers, plastic medicine dropper

Brush (round, soft hair, synthetic fiber, watercolor type, size 8 or 10)

4  to 5 Illustration boards, approximate size 15 x 20” (Cold press paper surface)

Suggested supplemental texts:  Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Betty Edwards

                                                   A Guide to Drawing, Daniel Mendelowitz


Weekly schedule guide-line (subject to change)

Week 1: Introduction to course, materials, classroom/lab policies, slideshow. Projects: Value columns in 4 pencil drawing techniques: Gradation, Stippling, Hatching, Cross-Hatching.

Week 2:  Pencil drawing techniques continued.  Compositional terms.  Project:  Introduction to 2-D compositional design.  Abstraction/Value study composition combining the 4 drawing techniques.                                                                                 Journal question: "What makes a good composition?"

Week 3:  Value on form.  Compositional space. Pencil drawing techniques continued.   Rendering Spheres in Space with all-over pattern background.  In class drawing exploring the importance of Value in creating form.  Journal: "Identify 2 types of texture, one from nature, one man-made."

Week 4:  Drawing from life.  Tuesday bring to class hard boiled egg.  Thursday bring to class 2 kitchen utensils (silver wear, spoon, spatula, etc).  Focus on contour line drawing.  Project: 4 drawings egg+kitchen utensil composition.

Week 5:  Projects: Contour line drawing techniques and exercises.  Continue drawing from life.  Project will contain multiple drawings.                                             

Week 6: Modified contour line drawing techniques and exercises.  Project will contain multiple drawing assignments.

Week 7:  Project:  Photo-realism portrait drawing.  (Please bring in a good quality, clear focus, black and white photograph of a close up of a human face, approximate size 4x6”see examples in class) 

Week 8:  Photo-realism portrait drawing techniques.  Introduction to using a grid, drawing mask.

Week 9:  Projects:  Linear Perspective Drawings. (Project will contain multiple drawing assignments).

Week 10:  Start color.  Project:  The Color Wheel.  Painting techniques and introduction to color theory.

Week 11:  Painting techniques and introduction to color theory.

Week 12:  Projects:  Analogous Color Compositions:  Warm composition and Cool composition; Hues, Tints, Shades, and Tones.

Week 13:  Painting techniques and contemporary color explorations.  Projects:  Analogous Colors, warm composition and cool composition paintings.

Week 14:  Projects:  Monochrome value study still life; and Complementary colors value study still life.  Observational drawing techniques. Color value scales.

Week 15:  Projects: Color matching collage and composition.  Blending and texture painting techniques.  Historical and contemporary examples of painting techniques.  Thumbnails for final project: Drawing on alternatives, making art with found material.  Bring to class old magazines, books, papers, posters or other printed matter.

Week 16:  Drawing on alternatives; making art from found material.  Historical and contemporary examples of painting techniques.

Week 17:  Review for final.  All outstanding late projects are due.  Final projects due.    

Week 18:  Final Exam.  Please have a scantron form 2052, 2b pencil and eraser for the exam.  No late work accepted during final week of class.


Pleasant Hill:

Diablo Valley College Bookstore

321 Golf Club Road

Pleasant Hill, CA


Michaels Art Supply

60 Gregory Lane

Pleasant Hill, CA


Aaron Brothers

1975 Diamond Blvd.

Concord, CA


Walnut Creek:

Aaron Brothers

1180 Locust 

Walnut Creek, CA



225 Alamo Plaza

Richards Arts Crafts & Framing

Alamo, CA



The Art Store/Dick Blick

5301 Broadway

Oakland, CA



The Art Store/Dick Blick

811 University Avenue

Berkeley, CA


Utrecht Art Supply

1909 University Avenue

Berkeley, CA


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