Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Abstract Color Wheel/ DUE Thursday APRIL 9

                    Itten Color Wheel

Chris Johanson
Tauba Aurebach

Design an abstract composition using RADIAL SYMMETRY or UNITY WITH A GRID that includes every hue in the standard color wheel at least 2 times.

Radial Symmetry is found in nature. Imagine the petals of a flower, the rays of a star fish. Radial Symmetry is also found in many man made items, in the arts and technology such as the spokes of a wheel, the radial form of a mandala. Designs that use radial symmetry are balanced by the fact that they can be divided equally, at any angle, and unity is achieved through color, value and space.

Unity with a grid is used universally in design. Think of printed media, magazines, books, newspapers, even web pages use a grid to organize information. Hue (color), value, positive and negative space and shape are added to the mix to create an appealing, effective layout. Artists use the grid in textiles, painting and other creative ventures. Designs that use the grid to achieve unity are organized by the grid but rely on hue, value and shape for balance.

For your own unique “color wheel” use radial symmetry, or unity with a grid, combined with color and space or shape to achieve a balanced, appealing image. The elements that make up your design must be abstract, NOT representational. The composition must also reflect one other principle of design off the list below.

The Principles of Design:

unity Also know as harmony-Elements in an image look as though they belong together, and separate parts are viewed as a cohesive composition.

emphasis/focal point Prominence given to something in a composition.

scale/proportion Size and size relationships among elements in a compostion.

balance Distribution of visual weight within a composition

rhythm A sense of movement or direction created by repeated or similar hues, value, shape in a composition.

Please use a color wheel to ensure correct color matching.  they are available in the bookstore or in class.

Xylor Jane

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