Thursday, February 26, 2009

Introduction to color interactions


Create a 9 step value scale in grey using your white and black paints.  Steps must be equal.

Step #1 will be white.

Step #9 will be black.

Steps 3-8 will range from light grey to dark grey.  All steps must be equal.

Step #5 will illustrated horizontally and vertically as shown in example above.

The overall dimensions of the value study are 4” wide by 9” tall.  The far right and left columns are 1” tall and 1 1/2” wide.  The central vertical column (the same value as step #5) consists of a 1” wide strip spanning 4” in horizontally and 9” vertically.

The project will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Instructions and parameters have been followed.

Assignment is complete and on time.

Steps are of equal value.

Paint application is even and opaque.

Document is exhibits college level presentation.

Project due:   3/5   

ALERT:  Your Journals are due the same day!

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