Wednesday, February 4, 2009

paper bag thursday

Thursday we will take a look at the egg drawings and start a new
series drawing paper lunch bags.  This series should be completed
by the end of class.

Things to think about when planning and executing a realistic drawing:

1.  Consider your composition: Decide where to place your subject.  Design the Negative as well as the Positive space.  Consider a horizon line to give your composition a sense of depth.
2.  Start drawing the subject with a careful and light contour drawing.
3.  Continue using light pressure with your pencil, adding cross contour lines to develop mass and form.
4.  Begin to locate your darkest darks and highlights.  Try squinting to see your subject in high contrast.
5.   Remember, to create a realistic drawing, rely less on line and more on shifts in value to create form, shadows, contours.  Harsh contour lines will look unnatural.

keep drawing!

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